Friday, January 05, 2007

Peaceful Days


A big sigh of relaxation. I've been back for a week now, we don't go back to work until Tuesday (the 9th), and we don't have to do much of anything between now and then.

This is the first long holiday that we haven't had plans of some kind - either camping, epic bike trips, or just a few nights at a ryokan/onsen. But all this time at home - cooking, organizing, reading, sleeping and eating - has been great.

Brian's knee, unfortunately, is still too painful to do any kind of activity, so I've been taking solo bike rides in the mornings and then settling in for the rest of the day.

Yesterday we bought some flowers just to practice taking photos - a nice way to spend an hour or two.

Tonight will provide a little variety to our quiet days - we're going up to our favourite beer hall and buffet restuarant (appropriately called a "Viking" restaurant!) tonight with a couple of friends who are also in town for the holidays. Won't be much good for any "New Year's Resolution" diets, but it should be perfectly enjoyable just the same!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is nice to have quiet days, isn't it?

Brian, hope your knee gets better soon. Take anti-inflammatory meds.

John's knee hurt for a month or two; he finally went to the doctor. He has a diagnosis - Baker's Cyst. Like a blister, it's a protective response by the body caused by some other damage, yet to be determined. Moral: if it doesn't get better by itself, take yourself in to see a doctor.

Love, Dr. Mom