Tuesday, June 27, 2006

High Speed

Between us, Brian and I have five computers - one new laptop each, one old laptop each, and a desktop tower hooked up to our TV so that we can run DVDs etc.

Both apartments (and all computers) have fully wireless high-speed connectivity, and are frequently running 24/7. Sometimes I wonder what we did before we became so "one" with our computers and technolife. I suppose I used to read a little more, study Japanese a little more, and get out a little more.

Now I find myself working out of town for a few days, and staying in a small town business hotel with (gasp!) no high-speed access. I luckily have a wireless dial-up card for my laptop - but whatever will I do without my constant fill of high-speed access??

Probably, I will read a little more, study Japanese a little more, and get out a little more! Rather like a vacation:-)

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