Monday, October 09, 2006

A Week of Updates

We didn't do much last week except work and watch our auctions. Brian's Manitou fork sold well, but neither of our bikes received bids - so we're going to repost next week or so. Last week was a week of rain - every day, rain. Hard rain, soft rain, misty rain - always rain.

This weekend was a complete turnaround for the weather - clear skies and warm sunshine! We rode hard on Saturday, finally getting a view of the city and coast line (summer is too hazy for such a view):

We continued our ride, and investigated some trails we'd never tried before. Luckily, we were on bikes, not in an incapable van:

We did more riding on Sunday, checking out the progress of construction that destroyed one of our trails, and finding a way around it:

And the first clear view of Mt. Fuji in a while, too:

Apart from all the riding, we also caught up on household tasks and other things, including preparing for a BBQ party that's happening today!


Team Sharma said...

What a pretty place! I'm glad that you made the most of the weekend.

-lyn said...

I cannot begin to tell you how much I love seeing your pictures and hearing your stories. All of you. My mother and father would have given their right arms to have had such a wonderful influx of info from their kids; I feel guilty that I'm enjoying something they didn't have, but I'm enjoying the heck out of it anyway!!

bernicky said...

My invite to the BBQ must have gotten lost in the mail :)
Sounds like you did a lot of good riding and a lot of good sight seeing. Nothing like being able to get away when you have the chance.