Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sakura Zensen and pics from the Kogen

Sakura zensen (桜前線)is the term used to describe the progression of the blossoming Cherry Blossoms across Japan. Japan is a long and narrow country, going from North to South, so the Cherry Blossoms (sakura) bloom at different times in different regions.

Here, they are nearly at full bloom, and up in Gotemba (a few hundred meters above here), they are still beginning to bloom too, and will probably be open this week.

O-hanami (お花見)-honourable flower viewing is the direct translation - is when people gather for great picnics under the Cherry trees to appreciate the blossoms, drink beer, wine and nihonshu, and generally appreciate the subtle and brief beauty of the cherry blossoms.

We were a bit early for the season at the Gotemba Kogen, but others were also out to begin their O-hanami and we enjoyed sitting under the just-budding trees just the same:

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Love all the flower photos. We miss the cherry blossoms ... except, we do have a couple of fabulous ones quite near our home here in the village. Not quite the same impact, but lovely just the same.