Friday, September 23, 2005

ANOTHER Long Weekend!

Today, Friday, is a national holiday in honor of the official beginning of autumn, and as we kick off yet another three-day weekend, I want to take a moment to appreciate the little things in life.

First - two long weekends in a row. What can be better than that?
Second - today, I am lazing around. I am not riding, not running, not working out. Not working. I instead lie abed until nearly 6 this morning, and now am sipping tea and eating some toast and peanut butter, enjoying the not having to do anything, and not having anything to do.

Brian, however, cannot bear to be indoors on a sunny holiday weekend; can't say I blame him, really. Today, as I do so little, Brian is working on projects like fixing the bike rack and adjusting his fork. Also, as even I can only enjoy one day of idelness, tomorrow we are going to Nagano to ride, packing even warmer sweaters this week!

So finally, as I chill like an icecube, I just have to say that Life Is Good.

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