Friday, September 23, 2005

Blogs I Read

So actually, I've been a member of Blogger since about 1999 or so, under one guise or another. One of my first blogs was a team blog called "Letting the Thunder Pass". Way back then, I didn't maintain the blog, only a post once a month or so. Oh, how little was I aware of the fervent popularity blogging would gain. Ah, well. I guess that's why I never invested in Microsoft, either:-)

Of late, I have been reading many blogs regularly. Some are people I know, some are just very popular blogs that everybody reads, and others are "friends" whom I've met through blogging.

The blogging friends whose blogs I read:

  • Life's Little Things, which is about, well, life's little things - a career woman, mother, wife, mom-of-kittens. And I think I'm busy.
  • Neilans chronicles the activities, insights and activism of an active woman (who just happens to be Brian's mom!)
  • Once Again With Feeling - one of my very very best friends, who talks about his challenges and successes, both in his marathons and his life; inspiring and intelligent.
  • Alyssa in Japan speaks for itself, and her photos really are worth a thousand words.

Bloggers I've met through blogging:
  • Mr. Hassle's Underpants, by Doc Shazam - the blog of a heroically hectic medical intern (female, I might add!) who also does some awesome mountain biking around Colorado.
  • Street Philosopher - A university student (19 years old), who, I think, thinks more and more often than I ever did. And, yes, he enjoys mountain biking. More power to him.

Popular blogs:
  • Boing Boing (hey, everybody reads that!)
  • Random Acts of Reality - an ambulance attendant in London - intelligent and brief posts about the joys and miseries of saving the lives of drunks, heroin addicts and little old ladies. Sensitive and life affirming.
  • Small Dead Animals -An opinionated Canadian. Finally! I knew there was another one!!

Well - that's it for now. Tune in tomorrow when I list the poets I read:-)

1 comment:

Doc Shazam said...

I honored to be included in your "friends" list!

Just for clarification, though, my intern year was long ago (three years ago, infact). Intern year is the first year after medical school. I am in my first year of practice, just having finished all my post-graduate training. (Making me a Rookie, but not an intern.) ;)