Friday, September 30, 2005

The Thermometer

If you've never been to a Japanese hospital, but think you might have to go someday, then this information is for you.

I walk into the hospital on Tuesday morning, having had a high fever (103.2 F) the night before, as well as having a stomachache. I do the initial paperwork (in Japanese):

What's your date of birth? January 22nd, in the 47th year of Showa.

Is this your first visit to this hospital? Yes.

What is the nature of your problem? Fever, stomachache.


I am then directed to the waiting area in front of 内科 (naika = internal medicine). While waiting with a few other patients, the internal medicine nurse comes out with more paperwork, a pencil and a thermometer. She tells me to take my temperature, and that it should take five minutes for an accurate reading, and walks away.

Ok. I shake the thermometer, pop it in my mouth and begin deciphering the kanji on the paperwork.

Circle where it hurts – ok.

Circle any symptoms you have- ok. So far so good.

When I get to some sentences that I don’t understand at all and am relying on my trusty electronic dictionary (Canon Wordtank V80), a nice, student-looking guy walks over and offers to help. Thankfully, he reads some of the obscure kanji aloud for me, as I mumble appreciation around the thermometer. After helping me with the paperwork, he then says, “by the way, the thermometer doesn’t go in your mouth; it goes here, under your arm.”

Great! So I’ve just been sitting in the waiting room with an arm-pit thermometer in my mouth for the last five minutes! Well – it’s good to know that I’m not done learning yet!

PS – if you’re interested, it turns out that I had a kidney infection, which laid me low for a few days – but that’s gone now!


Team Sharma said...

I'm glad that you are feeling better and learning is always good.

-lyn said...

An entertaining and educational story.

But, be glad that the "other" location was just the armpit!

Glad you are feeling better!!!!


-lyn said...

BTW I really like your new format.

Internet Street Philosopher said...

Well, at least you could get some medical help. And stick themometer in armpit next time! :)