Sunday, April 15, 2007

Another Weekend Come and Gone

It's easy to get caught up in the fast-pace of our day-to-day lives - everything is about immediacy, and there is never enough time in the day. In such an environment it becomes habitual to think about everything that you haven't done, hanging on to your perpetual "To Do" list. This weekend, I choose instead to look at everything that we have done (of course, there is a lot undone, but I'm not interested in that!).

Sometimes individually and sometimes together, we have:

  • participated in yet another "nomikai", drinking party (and I am now very much looking forward to at least a week of self-imposed detox!)
  • visited for the (thankfully)last time my urologist (with a clean bill of health!)
  • dropped off the dry cleaning
  • did groceries, including some healthful choices like salmon and asparagus
  • cooked curry
  • got a key made
  • picked up a letter at the post office
  • shopped for some DIY and car tools
  • removed the window rain guards from Brian's car
  • shopped for some summer-time window blinds to replace the soul-destroying, spirit-suppressing heavy curtains in my kitchen and tatami room
  • bought a new "carpet" made of igusa -some sort of grass-for the TV room
  • effected all interior changes!!
  • had a fabulous bike ride
  • even got in a few hours of downtime, watching "Medium".

And though all things must end, it is the present that is to be enjoyed and for the next few hours I plan to do nothing else!

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