Friday, January 29, 2010


Once again, in order to procrastinate projects in progress, I've been playing with a new (for me) website called Shuttercal. Actually, I found this website and created an account ages ago, then promptly forgot about it until I came across it again. It's a site that is meant for you to upload a photo a day, and the layout is calendar style. It looks quite nice, is free, and easy. I haven't fully explored it yet, but I spent some time uploading photos for January. I did cheat a bit and upload some scrapbook pages, and, since their creation spanned several days, I put them up in multiple copies!

One good aspect, for those of us who multi-task, is that you can embed photos from the calendar into your blog, so no need to upload a second time if you don't want to.

You can see my January calendar here:

1 comment:

Tracy said...

wow what a nice job