Saturday, February 26, 2011

Afternoon Tea in New Jersey

I did not mention it here, but I have actually left Montreal for a few days, both as a need to escape the claustrophobia that is winter and to simply have variety again. In Japan, Brian and I have never spent consecutive weekends at home-we always went somewhere or did something. So when Cheryl invited me to go see her in New York, I jumped at the chance!

Actually, even better, I'm staying with her in New Jersey, a place I've never been before. Today she took me to the lovely Lilligard hotel for a very civilized afternoon tea.

BTW -I came to NYC by Amtrak and spent the 1st night at The New York Loft Hostel. It's fun and an adventure to travel on a shoestring :)

1 comment:

Lyn said...

It's always fun to combine travel on a shoestring (hostel stay) with a lovely afternoon tea!

Also ... love the hat!