Monday, October 03, 2005


Perhaps necessity isn't, after all, the mother of invention...

The nihongo shiken date is creeping ever nearer, and in my concerted effort to avoid studying for the test, I have accomplished a few other things:

  • thoroughly cleaned the apartment, throwing away un-necessary items
  • organized computer files
  • re-designed the Japan Rider homepage, complete with new photo albums that are Firefox compatible!
  • changed servers because our old server was annoying me
  • was further annoyed by the new server
  • just realized that the feedback form is not working (am blaming it on the server!)
This is, what we call in the business, the "house cleaning" phase of the creativity process, and I suppose that studying kanji does require some creativity!

It is easy to see how the house cleaning phase is beneficial, perhaps essential, to creativity - it is a literal cleaning of the slate. It is much easier to have an uncluttered mind when in uncluttered surroundings. Now that my files are sorted on my PC, Japan Rider has a clean, new look, and my tatami is free of clutter - like an empty page waiting to be written on - I am ready to study for the test, which is scheduled for Sunday, December 4th.


-lyn said...

Loved the term "housecleaning phase." I definitely go through it whenever I have to start a new project. You're right, it is good in its way, altho it would seem that simply hunkering down to start the project would be more normal behavior. So, I'm glad to have confirmation that my behavior is acceptable.

bernicky said...

Thank you for the FireFox compatible photo album - much appreciated.