Monday, January 05, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Most of us make New Year's Resolutions, and most of us fail to keep them. In fact, they're probably a bad idea, since they're made with a falsely-induced sense of renewed fervour.

However, I still like to make my resolutions. And when I slip up and leave them forgotten by the curbside, that's okay. I just start over, start in the 'now' - it doesn't need to be a new year to start doing all those things we think we ought to do.

So, here are my resolutions:

  • update this blog more regularly (and insist my blog-partner helps:-)
  • be honest, but try to be less brutal (the 'brutal' part will take some work!)
  • re-design our Japanrider website and re-freshen up my code skills
  • keep in better touch with friends, acquaintances and business associates

and of course:
  • eat more fruit and veggies
  • drink more water (and less red wine!)
Let's raise a glass to a good 2009!


owenandbenjamin said...

A glass of red wine a day is good for you.

Tracy said...

Haha - but maybe a bottle a day, not so much:-)