Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Studying Japanese

Although we've both been here for so many years, we have tended to plateau in the area of Japanese study. We work mostly in English, and speak English to each other (of course!), and so, once we'd achieved the ability to accomplish basic tasks, our nihongo skills seemed to simply stop developing.

In order to rectify the situation, we are both writing the Nihongo Shiken this year, even though we may be aspiring too high for our own ability at the outset, it will be worth it for the motivation to study a bit more.

One of my favorite ways to study, or at least to practice what I know, is to go out to local izakaya alone. Go out by yourself, get a beer, and someone will strike up a conversation with you.

Of course, for the test, we've been trying to study in a bit more of a structured fashion, and I've found a lot of useful tools to help get the job done. Outside of all the textbooks we own, some of my favorite study tools include:

Grammar and Dictionaries


  • I try to practice reading with the Hiragana Times, to which I have a digital subscription http://www.hiraganatimes.com/ - it is a good way to keep up with trends in Japan and to get graded reading practice.



lyn said...


bernicky said...

Thank you for the links. Who knows maybe I should try to learn because one day I do want to visit there.