Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to Spend Five Hours at Narita Airport

I am in the midst of an unplanned trip to Montreal. I left home this morning at 6:30, when Brian drove me to the Tomei Susono bus stop. I much prefer taking the bus to the train - not because it is cheaper (which it is!), but because it is a smooth, easy ride straight to the airport - no transfers or other mess-arounds.

The draw-back to taking the bus is that they are few and far between. So, if I wanted to take the bus (which I did), I had to arrive at the airport four hours early. Okay - I knew there were shops, and figured I could kill the time. However, the bus actually got me there five hours early. Oddly enough, that time passed quickly. I did an hour or so of window shopping in around the many airport shops (prior to check-in), and then spontaneously got my nails done at Nail Quick.

[caption id="attachment_1564" align="alignnone" width="270" caption="Nails - after taking off my boots..."]nails[/caption]

Of course, going through security, my nails were destroyed when I had to roll up my jeans and take off my knee-high boots - but it was still a fun way to spend an hour.

After checking in and going through security, I grabbed some lunch, and even thought about a massage at Raffine, a chain massage parlour here, but they were fully booked up until my departure.

Anyway - if you're ever hanging around Narita airport, there is a fair amount to do!

[caption id="attachment_1565" align="alignnone" width="480" caption="Raffine Massage parlour at Narita airport"]Raffine[/caption]

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