Thursday, February 04, 2010


As today is Setusbun, we had a little fun at lunch time at the office throwing beans at the demons.

Always falling on February 3rd (or occasionally 4th), marking the day before spring, Setsubun is not a holiday, but is just a day when kids and even adults do mame-maki - bean throwing ceremony. While throwing the beans, we shout, *oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi*, which means *demons out, happiness in!".

I, who have been chasing away my demons for ages, was only too happy to grab some beans and fling them at the symbolic devils (embodied by some co-workers).

We also ate some makizushi while facing the 'good luck' direction, which is west-south-west this year.

[caption id="attachment_1523" align="alignnone" width="482" caption="Devils Attacking"]Devils attacking[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1524" align="alignnone" width="614" caption="Sushi"][/caption]

1 comment:

lyn said...

Looks like fun!
Why am I not surprised that the masks are identical to each other?!