Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Just Riding

Time moves much too fast - a concept I would not have understood as a child.

My awareness of passing time has made me better prepared to enjoy every minute of that time, and what better way than on a bike?

Brian and I rode, quite like maniacs, on Saturday and Sunday. Whoever says that downhilling does not burn calories has never tried it. Sure - we ride to the top of the mountain in a gondola, but every ounce of mental awareness and physical agility is required to stay on two wheels (as opposed to bouncing off the rocks, trees, and dirt on your butt).

We took the camera to Nagano, but the high temperatures and hard downhilling left little motivation for picture taking (sorry!).

I did get out for a less-taxing cross country ride today, and took a picture or two:

Cannondale - I love the smell of singlespeeding in the morning.

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