Saturday, November 12, 2005


Is anyone out there using Skype? If not, perhaps you should be.

Skype is a free program that uses VOIP to allow users to talk from PC to PC. It's like windows Messanger, but the voice is crisper and there is less interference. More news - Skype has made such a splash that it was recently acquired by E-Bay.

I have been using Skype for about a year and a half, and I recently convinced my mother to download it. This morning I saw that she was online, so I hit the old dial button on Skype. My niece and nephew happened to be visiting (which explains why the "phone" was answered - my mom still hasn't quite figured the whole thing out yet). So, for no cost at all, I got to talk to my niece, nephew and mother back in Montreal; way cool.

Also, for a very very small price, you can make long distance phone calls around the world (to telephones, that is). So, if your loved ones haven't quite gotten the hang of modern technology, just phone them the old fashioned way!

Skype is still free, and can be downloaded here, at .

1 comment:

Team Sharma said...

I love Skype but I'm not on the computer enough at home for anyone to catch me online.... and I try not to use it while I'm supposed to be working.

You have to watch the billing on the long distance. Skype prices the calls based on what the call would cost them to make from their home office (somewhere in Great Britain) and not based on where you are when you make the call. Our calls to India are cheaper from here than Skype's discounted price.