Sunday, March 26, 2006

Long Ride

Yesterday was glorious Saturday, and we went for our first long ride in a while. Actually, after the pizza, wine and beer on Friday evening, we didn't have much of a choice:-) We rode the Rigs about 8 KM straight up the mountain, until we got to a rarely-used road along the ridge. The road, which we call "the fire road", runs in a hilly way from Gotemba to Mishima cities, and is about half-way up the mountain between Susono and Hakone.

We road along the rolling hills(happily coasting down, then grunting our way up, our legs achingly tired from single-speeding, enjoying the views and the silence, and occasionally stopping to take pictures, until we got to an intersection: left would have taken us further up all the way to the Hakone speedway. Right would bring us home. Though we have occasionnally opted to turn left, yesterday we turned right and coasted all the way back to our front door.

Our total mileage was only 20Km, but conquering the hills in one gear was satisfying just the same.

1 comment:

bernicky said...

Sounds like a great way to spend a day! You took the road less taken :)