Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Spring is coming...

The blooming fruit (but not yet cherry) trees and warmer days are refreshing after the grey, although mild, winter. This season invokes our strong urge to be outside, and so in our case, on the bikes; many others feel the pull of the outdoors as well, so we've been spending a lot of time catching up with our non-riding friends.

Last week we had a lunch party at a good friend's house in Fuji city (Tracy's taking the pic), and we all got caught up over some delightful chirashizushi (mixed rice and raw fish; seasonally appropriate because it's pink!):

We went with another bunch to a wild live concert in Tokyo on the weekend, featuring go-go dancers:

and butoh dancers:

The main performance was by a group known as shibusashirazu orchestra, and it was great!

We also took a little time to visit a very nearby shrine in our neighborhood, where I tried another (un-tripod-assisted) HDR attempt:

This week is busy at work, and we'll both be travelling to the geographical boundaries of our company in the next days. The weekend will bring a large outdoor bbq party hosted by our company's president in appreciation of the approaching wave of cherry blossoms. Until then...


-lyn said...

It's nice to get caught up with various groups of friends, isn't it?

The photos are always such a pleasure to see.


bernicky said...

Things are looking very warm - the trails must be calling.

Enjoy the BBQ.

BTW how's the leg doing?