Monday, April 10, 2006

O-hanami in Gotemba

It was so good to have a weekend where at least one day was sunny, and we were both more or less healthy again.

Brian and I took out the Rigs for a good ride yesterday morning. We decided to take a round about ride up to the Gotemba Kogen Beer Hall, where the cherry trees were expected to be in full flower. We packed our cameras in our Camelbaks, and stopped frequently for any picture opportunity that presented itself.

Five hours, two beers, and 21 kilometers later, we got back home content, tired and with a few good photos to boot.

Here is one photo for now, while Brian works on some of his for later blogging:


bernicky said...

Those blossoms look nice. wonder if they are as aromatic as they look.

5 hours for 21K you must have taken a ton of pictures! Looking forward to seeing the results of the effort.

Team Sharma said...

Sounds like a perfect day.

-lyn said...

Oh, my. We are so glad you two are there to enjoy the O-hanami time. And especially glad that you are both good photographers. That is such a bonus for us, you can't even imagine!