Thursday, September 13, 2007

Typhoon Aftermath

We went for a ride on Sunday, a few days after the typhoon. We went in a different direction than usual, heading up the back side of Ashitaka as far as we could manage to get, and didn't see too much damage. However, our riding buddy also went for a ride that day, and he went up one of our more frequent routes to the Fireroad - only to have to turn back because the road was out in two places. He was able to get past the first damaged area, where part of the road had crumbled into the river below, but the second section, he said, was impassable. So this morning, Brian and I headed out on our single speeds up our favourite hilly route to check out the damage for ourselves. The road was still cordoned off in one area, with a narrow path for walkers (and bikers) to get past; and the city must have cleared the debris from the landslide further up - but the damage was still significant, as you can see by the photos that Brian took at our favourite resting spot, "the swimming hole":

Brian Clockwork 29er, resting against some fallen trees, where we used to stop to rest.

The cedar forest used to be a beautiful backdrop to our swimming hole:

The pavement itself did not escape unscathed:


Team Sharma said...

It does look a little bit bump on that road now. I hope the area bounces back soon.

-lyn said...

It's totally awesome what the weather can do, isn't it?

bernicky said...

Wow. That is messy. It must have been something to live through. With any luck mother nature will bounce back. It looks like a great time to take some cool photos though