Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Health and Diet

Well, my desire to lose a few kilos prior to the arrival of my new frame isn't going very well. If you recall, my plan was to quit drinking. Period. This lasted for more than two weeks, which was great, but effected zero change in my weight. It was also impossible to maintain this abstemiousness because, frankly, I live in the Land of Drink. Drinking here is an important - even vital - social lubricant. So, giving it up completely isn't an option, I've decided to avoid beer altogether, as well as the canned super-sweet cocktails called Chu-Hi, and stick to plain old wine. At least that has polyphenols and only 506 calories to a 750ml bottle of white wine and 638 to a bottle of red (according to a reliable source!).

Of course, Brian and I are fairly (though not overly) active. We ride our single speeds several times a week (always uphill, with very little down involved or so it seems), and are fortunate enough to be able to ride either before or after work when we so choose. But we have become less adventurous recently and rarely (never?) night ride anymore. I think the new frame will invigorate me at least and I'll insist that we charge up our super-awesome night lights (Cateye Double-Shots) and head up to the Fireroad one of these fine summer evenings. Of course, we'll have to bring a victory beer (or small bottle of wine, in my case), to enjoy at the top of the mountain!

1 comment:

owenandbenjamin said...

It's hard to not drink too much in Japan. Especially when they keep refilling by beer glass.