Friday, October 03, 2008

Random Updates

I haven’t blogged in a while (and seem to have lost my blogging partner!), so I figured I would just quickly give some updates.


The days are again getting shorter, but we’re riding when we can. We’ve gotten stronger since we’ve been doing one “hard” ride per week, usually up to the fire road where we can ride the quiet, hilly ridge for an hour or so before descending by a trail that puts us right at our favourite beer hall. Of course, we then replenish our lost energy with some fine German brews before coasting the rest of the way home.

Zoom in to see our route here:

View Larger Map


Summer has gone, both officially and in actuality. The sun doesn’t rise until after 5:30 a.m. and it sets by 5:30 p.m. too. The evenings are chilly and the mornings, crisp. I’ve woken up with cold toes and had to put on socks.


We still netsurf too much, but I’m also spending more time reading. I’m just about finished a memoir by Andrea Ashworth titled, Once in a House on Fire, which I mooched on Book Mooch. Not exactly uplifting, but a very well-written and gripping memoir. If you like memoirs. Which I do.


Is work. We’re busy as usual, but I am looking forward to attending one large conference at the end of this month, and a much smaller workshop next weekend.


-lyn said...

Very, very cool map. I'm impressed with your route! We couldn't quite get close enough to see your apartment ... but almost!

BTW - we like the bigger print size better ... old eyes, ya know ..!

owenandbenjamin said...

Are these fire roads and trails on public land or private property or what? I was just curious how it was in Japan versus here in the states where most of the trails and dirt roads are on public land like National Forests.

Tracy said...

I'm glad you could see the map - I wish I could have uploaded it pre-zoomed...

The fire-roads and most trails are simply 'un-owned' land. Some roads are chained, but you just have too unhook the chain and go through. Signs simply warn you not to pick the bamboo shoots/mushrooms/weeds, etc. Nobody would shoo you away if seen.

However, we have no National Forests, and the trails aren't as awesome.