Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Beginning of the End of a Dry Spell?

I have done, pretty much, nothing over the last two and a half months since leaving Japan. At least in Japan I was travelling and exploring and preparing for 'the big move'. Once here, I spent about a month adjusting to new things, getting back in touch with old friends, and participating in activities where I could make new ones. And of course, I was waiting for my big delivery from Japan.

And then....

I stalled.

I have been procrastinating pretty much since then, although enjoying my time doing little things like spending a week on a paid painting job (yay!), visiting a spa, doing dinner with friends, etc...

But I have not:

  • Been maintaining my blogs

  • Working on my new Joomla-run website

  • Taking photos

  • Working and developing my skills in Photoshop

  • Working, period, except for the aforementioned week-long low-paid painting job

But this morning gives me hope that my dry spell is ending. I am currently working out how to install Ubuntu (again) on my Windows 7 netbook. As some may recall, I experienced a total hard disk failure last August or so, and had to replace the disk. I did not then install Ubuntu again, but realized last night that I was missing it quite a lot. So I started to install using the Windows Installer called WUBI. Which did not work no matter what. So, I figured to do a real install. That, it seems, did not want to work either, as it did not recognize my Windows OS. Seems that I have to shrink my windows volume first. I tried to do this, but had no luck as Windows decided it could only shrink the volume by 700 mb.Huh. So I am currently defragging, and will try to re-size again... Worst case scenario is that I lose all the data on my Windows side. No biggie as it is all backed up anyway.

On the job front, despite being told two days ago that I was not a good fit for a particular job, I am still feeling motivated and getting my cv out there. The big thing holding me back is my absolute lack of French. Anything I had thirteen years ago is now gone. I did start taking private lessons, but the teacher was - pardon my French - a real bitch. I was about to find another, better, more centrally located teacher, but a friend insists I could learn by just speaking more with him an others.

So that's what I'm doing - using French whenever I can, and not taking the easy (English!) way out.

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