Sunday, August 19, 2007

Susono Awa Odori, 2007

Well, it has come and gone again - our vacation, yes, but also the Awa Odori street festival that graces our small city each year.

The signature hats of the Awa Odori.

What can be translated as "the Dance of Fools", the Awa Odori is originally from Tokushima; a smaller version of the dance/festival was introduced to Koenji (in Tokyo) in 1956; and the smallest version of all was brought to little Susono in 1983. Though Shizuoka is traditionally a very conservative prefecture, I think a certain wildness (fool-ness) conveyed itself through the deep, throbbing beats of the drums and the gleeful incitements of the dancers.

Elegant Obi: there were many people in lovely traditional dress.

There were many yatai (food stalls) serving a wide variety of festival food - takoyaki (grilled battered balls of octopus), kawaebi (whole fried and salted baby shrimp), various renditions of ika (squid - battered, fried, raw, on a stick, you name it!), and yakitori (grilled chicken kebabs). Not that we lack any sense of adventure, but we veered away from the squid, and had a dinner of yakitori and kawaebi. As usual, we had a great time, drank some cold beer with our dinner while walking around and enjoyed the evening.

The yatai where we bought our yakitori.

1 comment:

bernicky said...

Looks like another great time. Great pics once again. I think I would have steered clear of the squid as well.