Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Biking

I'm back in Japan! I landed on Friday night, and Brian and I were glad to be able to spend the weekend together after my two week absence. Thankfully,jet lag coming back to Japan is never as bad as going to North America (haven't researched why that is yet), and though a little tired from spending twenty-four hours in taxis, airports, airplanes and buses, and from the fourteen hour time difference, we didn't let it slow us down!

We went for a good run (nearly 10 km) yesterday in hills, and this morning we took our motorbikes out for a little exercise. We went up and along the fireroad (the official name of which is the Yamanami Rindo), that curves along the mountain ridge between Susono and Hakone. We then came home through Gotemba, skirting along Mt. Fuji, all the while in warm sunshine. We even switched bikes for a while, and I rode Brian's Honda VRX for a few kilometers while he had my bike. It was fun but I think we each prefer our own rides! I hadn't been on my Estrella in about five weeks, and had forgotten how much I enjoyed twisting the throttle of that lightweight Kawasaki.

Since buying our motorcycles last summer, Brian and I have also invested in more and better riding gear. Especially as the weather became colder, we realized we needed warmer clothing, and so we ordered some good leather pants from Make Your Own and sturdy leather motorcycle jackets from New The better gear makes it possible to ride in weather chillier than we had today, and is safe and pretty stylish to boot!

[caption id="attachment_1610" align="alignnone" width="430" caption="Tracy in Leather Gear on the Fireroad"]kawasaki-estrella-japan[/caption]


lyn said...

Glad to hear you're home and back on the road!

bernicky said...

Hey there - glad to hear you are back on the hoof and in the saddle again. Sorry we didn't get together more or talk more. It would have been nice. I think perhaps I need to get to Japan in order for us to talk in person :)