Thursday, August 25, 2005

Awa Odori photos and video

Brian and I are simply enjoying the summer - hot and humid with lots of cold beer, great festivals and mountain biking! I have also been making an effort to learn more about my camera and picture-taking in general.

At the Awa Odori last weekend, we used the movie mode on my Panasonic Lumix DMZ to take some video clips of the dancing. I had a lot of fun playing with the video clips and turning them into a short video, which you can see here.

There are also more photos of the festival that I finally put into a web album, and that can be found here.

Important note to my Firefox friends: I have not yet found suitable software for making slideshows that will be accessible via a non-IE browser, but I will spend more time looking around and I will change the format!

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Loved the photos and the video. The music really makes it come alive. I could almost smell the "squidscicles"! Lyn/Mom