Monday, August 29, 2005

Monkeys in Nagano

Brian and I drove up to Nagano on the weekend to camp in the mountains and then ride downhill (DH) at Fujimi. We come to this area often, and so had already scoped out some prime camping places, one of which is tucked into a beautiful valley and completely unpeopled. We set up camp about mid-morning on Saturday, and then hiked up an old dirt road, which is closed to cars. The road winds up this valley:

The road was most likely built to service the construction of this dam back in 1979:

Once we got to the top of the dam, we had a full view of the valley and the river - which is why we got to see a troop of monkeys who came out of the woods to "play":

This was one of the few times we've seen wildlife while we had the camera handy!


bernicky said...

Wow - it's almost enough to make me want to take up mountain biking.

Doc Shazam said...

Hiked up??? Didn't you ride???

My ride, btw is a Bontrager, with a 9 speed rear cassette, avid 2.0 v-brakes, pedals as noted. Judy Rock Shocks.

Not too techy, but bet better than my Bridgestone for serious, rocky mtnbiking!

It's a loaner from a friend who could n't stand the thought of my ridign a completely rigid frame in CO for the summer.