Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Japan Level Proficiency Test

Every year students of Japanese can write the official Japanese Language Proficiency Test, either in Japan or overseas. Naturally, I will be writing the test here, in Japan. Likely even in Shizuoka prefecture this year.

Being held on December 4th, 2005, the test is available in four levels with level 4 (yon qyu) being the easiest. I can attest - level 4 is pretty easy, especially if you've lived in Japan or are a dedicated student (hint: I am not a dedicated student).

Three years ago in December, I wrote the level 3 (san qyu) test and passed. It was just a little more difficult than level 4, and I will admit that, though I studied somewhat, I was not very focused. I had, at that point, however, been living in Japan for five years.

This year - my year seven - I am going to attempt level 2, which is three times more difficult than level 3. I picked up the application form at the bookstore after work tonight and am prepared to spend Sunday, December 4th, locked in a room writing a test for six hours.

Will I pass? Not likely. Not at all likely. After my years of laziness I doubt whether I could even pass level 3 again.

So why write the test? Good question. For the most part, I study the language because I enjoy the language; more than that even - I savour how the kanji holds meaning, and long to read the magic that famous Japanese authors have conjured using the subtle innuendos of the image of a word that conveys so much more...I love the language, and I don't need a written test, which is much like a math test - memory-based and devoid of insight. But I want to write the test for the fun of it, and I know that I will learn something in the process.

So - the countdown has begun: 2 months and 12 days...

Maybe I had better open a book:-)


-lyn said...

You can do it!!! Lyn

bernicky said...

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.

But as an objectivist (or at least you used to be) you already know that.

If nothing else enjoy the exercise.