Friday, February 17, 2006

Blogaversary - One Year and Still Going Strong

Today marks the one year anniversary of Japanrider - The Blog! You've seen us buy our Rigs and sell our FSRs; you've seen some bad photos, and some good ones; you've been with us for the ups and downhillings.

So here we go - aiming for another year of riding in Japan; well - Brian will start riding again when his leg allows (his painful varicose veins were removed about a week ago - see yesterday's post). In the meantime, stay tuned for more pedestrian updates!


bernicky said...


On another note, how is the run training going? Still headed for the 5K?

Team Sharma said...

I'm loving the blog. I know about your lives in the last year than I do about the previous 10 years combined. Keep it up.