Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More Photos of Bali

Yesterday - Monday - was a national holiday here called Seijin no hi or Coming of Age Day. This is a day to celebrate all young people who are turning 20 years old sometime during the year. Usually there are festivities and traditional dress.

We however didn't get out to see any of the festivities; we spent some time riding our bikes and catching up on projects.

One project involved putting more photos of our recent trip to Bali into a web album, which can be found here: http://www.japanrider.com/Albums/TripsTravel/Bali2007/index.html


bernicky said...

As usual wonderful photos. The last one in the sequence - the flower - is spectacular. How did you shoot it?

Cassandra Nelson said...

Wow! I'm not really sure how, but somehow I stumbled onto your blog, and I LOVE your Bali pictures! My husband and I are currently living in Saipan, and we just got back from Bali, and we saw so many spectacular things, but I was a little disappointed with how our photos turned out. I think it's time I invest in a new camera. Mind if I ask what you use?

Tracy said...

It's pretty cool to have our blog stumbled upon!

We both like photography, and each have our own DSLR Camera plus a little Point-and-Shoot. The photos you saw were either shot with a Nikon D50, Nikon D40X, or a Panasonic Lumix LZ2.

Now - I like photography, but I have to say you don't need a DSLR to get good photos! There are a lot of good, compact digital cameras out there and the key is perhaps reading the manual and just knowing how the camera works. You may want to check your camera settings before deciding to buy a new one.

If you're in the market for a new camera, or just want to see how they compare, you may want to visit this site and what cameras are good for you!


Cassandra Nelson said...

That's great info. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I think I may have to save my pennies for a camera like yours. You are right, however, I've been surprised at some of the shots we've been able to pull off with our little Nikon Coolpix L6. Here are some of our meager shots of Bali & Saipan: http://picasaweb.google.com/cassnelz
Thanks again for your input!