Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Final Holiday

Today, May 6th, is the final holiday of our Golden Week respite. For the first time, we actually didn't go anywhere or do too much of anything, and really just caught up on home projects, reading and relaxing.

I also spent some time getting reacquainted with Ubuntu, my Linux OS. I did a clean install a few months ago, but haven't done much since. So, I upgraded to the newest distro (9.04, aka Jaunty Jackalope), and worked on some web sites using Screem before deciding to switch to Bluefish, which are both very good HTML editors that run on Linux.

One thing I have not done has been to study perhaps that's what I'll do today, since the test is only two months away.

1 comment:

bernicky said...

I have never tried Bluefish but have always been partial to Komposer - an Nvu variant - in the Linux environment. It would be nice to try Ubuntu as a full time OS but until there is a video editing tool that is as easy to use as Corel's X2 or Pinnacle Studio's Video Studio on the Linux OS I will stick to Windows.

Liked the screens - and like others I would appreciate you coming over to do mine as well :)