Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sawayaka Walking in Susono, 2009

JR (Japan Rail) organizes regular walking or hiking tours around Japan; the walks are free, and feature a little badge that you get to wear, and a stamp card that gets stamped upon your completion of the walk. What does JR get out of it? Well, the walk starts at one JR station and then finishes at a different JR station, so you've got to take the train to get to the start point.

On Saturday, Brian and I joined two of our friends and co-workers on a walk in our own local area; it was a 12km stroll and we got the chance to explore and take photos of parts of Susono we don't always see.





The JR-Central Sawayaka Walking website is http://walking.jr-central.co.jp/

1 comment:

bernicky said...

I really like the idea of these organized hiking/walking tours. It would be a lot of fun. It is always fun to take the camera along :)