Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend in Macro

We've really been running more than biking these days, but overall we are staying fit and healthy.

We drove into the mountains on both Saturday and Sunday, and ran just over 7km each day. I know, 7km isn't much, but we're running in rolling (and occasionally steep) hills. The 13.6km race on May 31st should present no problem for either of us, as I think our endurance is good, and we probably could have run a bit more.

After running, we lied in the sun and read books, snacked on almonds, and relaxed.

Yesterday, I packed my D90 and my 100mm macro lens, and I even felt motivated to take a few photos:

After sunning, we drove back down the hill and stopped at Ichi-no-Se, a local onsen (hot spring) and spa.

This place is sort of out of the way of most people, but Brian and I have cycled and/or driven past it at least a hundred (probably many more) times en route to our favourite bike rides/sun tan spots/ runs. However, since Ichi-no-Se also has a swimming pool and lessons, we thought it was just a swimming school with nothing else to offer. We hadn't realized that it was a rather nice onsen until we picked up a pamphlet at our riding school.

We decided to check it out for ourselves, and are glad we did: the baths are deep and hot, and for only 500 yen, affordable. A great way to relax and get clean after running in the hot sun.

(Oh - and, since I was once again thrown out of an onsen in Shimada a few weeks ago, I've taken to pasting surgical tape over my tats:-)


Lyn said...

As usual, I love the photos!
And, gambatte for the race

bernicky said...

7K of trail running is worth more than 10K on the flat - good luck with the race.