Monday, June 15, 2009

Green Tea Coke

Coke is more popular (and more prevalent) here than Pepsi - but both soft drink makers come out with some interesting ideas for marketing their product.

This time, it's Coke, which is selling a green tea flavour, non-calorie, and with added catechins version of their trademark beverage. I just happened to see it at a local convenience store yesterday on the way to a friend's place:

Edit: The Taste - This coke tasted very much like any generic diet cola, not green tea flavoury at all:-(


bernicky said...

You have to give them credit for creative marketing. You could probably do a photoblog strictly on the packaging and flavours of soft drinks given the frequency of special marketing campaigns. Hope you are enjoying your summer. TTYL

Karin said...

So how was it?

Tracy said...

Oh, the taste? Well, it was like any generic diet cola, not green tea flavoury at all:-(

Steve McF said...

Here in Canada, Canada Dry is selling a ginger ale with green tea flavour added. Maybe the trend is spreading?

kurisu said...

Hey Tracy! I saw that too, almost bought it, one of those 'Japan' things eh? By the way, I want to talk to you about your Rig Frame, can you shoot me an email?

