Thursday, April 21, 2005

Sticking with It

We have been sticking with our healthy lifestyle fairly well. It is not hard to eat well in Japan -the supermarkets offer a large variety of fresh fish and pre-sliced sashimi and sushi. While the vegetables are somewhat expensive, there is also a large variety of spinach, mushrooms, onions, etc... so making a good dinner is easy and pleasurable.

We have also been riding and working out more regularly - the sun rises at 5 a.m. now and doesn't set until 6 p.m. or so. It is easy to ride both before and after work (though I can't honestly say that I do ride before AND after work!).

Tomorrow morning we are getting together, hopefully, with a few friends for a pre-work ride. Meeting time: 6:00 a.m.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Just to let you know we are still keeping up with your Blog. We enjoy it every day!