Saturday, April 16, 2005

Susono Chuo-Koen (Central Park)

Ahh...we didn't eat or drink too much last night at the all-you-can-eat-and-drink buffet dinner! But we did have a good time, and got lucky once again, as the sakura were still in bloom, the night air was warm, and the breeze was gentle.

The weather held for today, too. While we decided against riding, since it was pretty windy and our legs hadn't quite recovered from yesterday's workout, we decided to go for a walk around our local park - Susono Chuo-Koen. It is a lovely park, and we ended up walking for about two hours.

Here is a picture of the suspension bridge made for pedestrians to cross the river.

Here is Brian at Susono Central Park (notice the cute bridge in the background!)

Finally, here is me, Tracy, in front of the waterfall at Susono Central Park

It was, after all, a good day. It was also in keeping with our New and Improved HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.


bernicky said...

One thing I notice about the pictures you take is that everything looks so clean. The picture of the bridge today for instance: Where is the litter and graffiti?

-lyn said...

Ah, yes, Japan is sooo clean!
I still love your photos every day.