Friday, October 07, 2005

Away for a few days

It is Friday again, and yet another long weekend here as Monday is a national holiday. However, this will be a weekend, beginning from this afternoon, dedicated to professional development, as we are attending a large conference of language teachers. The annual JALT (Japan Association of Language Teaching) conference is the largest of its kind here in Japan and there will be presentations from prominent figures in the ESL (English as a Second Language) world, such as David Nunan and Michael McCarthy. I am very much looking forward to this conference, which I attend every year, and from which I always learn something new - be it technology in the classroom, or how to use scaffolding to aid in language acquisition. The social aspect is pretty awesome too!

We'll be back on Monday!


Internet Street Philosopher said...

Well, see ya when you get back!

Doc Shazam said...

What? No riding this weekend?