Monday, October 10, 2005

JALT 2005

It is now Monday evening, and all I can say is, "whew!". We had a great, whirl-wind of a weekend, starting on Friday afternoon with the pre-conference workshops at JALT. There, Brian learned about IT (Information Technology) and its applications for teachers and students; I learned about NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and how one can use its techniques to facilitate classroom interaction. And that was just the beginning.

On Saturday, Sunday and today, we and many of our colleagues participated in various other workshops, speeches, poster sessions, etc... all by teachers and other figures in the ESL industry. Overall, a very good conference, with excellent presentations by Jennifer Bassett, Tim Murphy, and David Nunan - among many many others. I am now inspired and excited to get back into the classroom and try some of these new and wonderful things!

Though I didn't bring my camera, Brian kindly brought his and snapped a few photos:

Steve Brown, JALT president, at the welcoming ceremony:

Our colleague, Dan:

Tracy and Tony, 10th Floor of Granship conference center:

That's about it for now - but be sure to tune in tomorrow as I write about a special visitor from the States who will be coming to spend a few weeks with us.

1 comment:

Team Sharma said...

ooohhh! I wait with baited breath....

glad to hear the confrence was a success.