Friday, September 08, 2006

Buggy balcony

The late-summer swelter here is bringing a wave of insects to life, or at least out into the open. Earlier in the warm season we had big stag beetles, then lots of kogane-mushi, more recently katydids, on our front balcony. Quite an interesting procession.

Yesterday I found this praying mantis upon returning from work; it had a lot of vigor, and it actually had some personality, too. It boldy walked toward me and almost ran to the camera lens when it came too close.

After seeing the famous pics of a mantis catching and eating a hummingbird, I didn't want my fingers or toes to be in striking range, but I snapped one good shot:


bernicky said...

What a spectacular shot! The camera loves this guy. He needs to get an agent pronto. I can see him in the next Anne Suzuki flick :D

-lyn said...

Well, good morning to Mr. Preying Mantis ...
Great shot!