Sunday, September 10, 2006


Wow, I finally slowed down a little at work, only to realize that it is already the 9th month. September here is traditionally the time to appreciate the moon, and people often organize 'moon viewing parties'. I haven't actually participated myself, as planned events have been scuttled due to cloud, rain or fog. Maybe this year?

This is Koson's Grasshopper Under a Full Moon:

September's insects are abundant (and slower) as summer winds down. While out today (we are still appreciating the sun) I found a grasshopper:

While Tracy caught a resting dragonfly:

The autumn abundance of dragonflies has been dear to the Japanese psyche since before cartographers could have recognized it, but that Japan's geographical shape resembles a dragonfly has been often noted. Can you see the resemblance?


-lyn said...

Yep ... I can see it. It just needs some gossamer wings ...

bernicky said...

Beautiful pictures as always. The leaves are starting to turn here in Montreal. Entire trees are going golden, red and yellow. With any luck an Indian Summer or two are still in the future but we all know the snow is only 6 - 7 weeks away.