Monday, December 18, 2006

Bernicky with Ribs on the side

I've been in Montreal for less than 48 hours, but I've already had a chance to catch up with lots of folks, including Denis (a.k.a. Bernicky).

We met for dinner last night at Scores restaurant in Dorval (about 20 minutes west of Montreal proper), and we had a chance to actually talk face-to-face while I remained amazed at how much his kids had grown. I'm actually frightened now to meet my own niece and nephew in a few days...

Bernicky in fine form:

My trip so far has been a gustatory extravaganza, so dinner at Scores restaurant last night was no different - chicken tenders (?) and a small rack of melt-in-your mouth ribs (once again, I am thankful that I never took up that whole trendy vegetarian thing!).


bernicky said...

Great to see you last night. Of course I blogged it too ;)
My picture is better than yours :D

Anonymous said...

Hello, bernicky! Nice to see you "in person". I read your comments on Tracy and Brian's blog all the time.