Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Holiday Reading Recommendations??

I know it seems early, but I'm already preparing for the winter holidays - and I am fresh out of books and ideas for books to read on the planes, trains and sofas I'll be riding for a few weeks.

If anyone has any suggestions, or wants to share a list of favourite books, I would be delighted. In the meantime, I'm going to order a new copy of The Fountainhead (my current copy was too-well thumbed to be readable anymore) to get me started.


bernicky said...

Well one of my all time favourites and a quick/enjoyable read (easy to put down and pick up) is James Herriot's All Things Bright And Beautiful. Dick Francis has a new book out which I haven't had the opportunity to crack open yet but if it is anything like his previous books it should be an excellent yarn. In the category of books one ought to read (and it happens to be a great book) is Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game.

-lyn said...

I agree with Bernicky - plus James Herriot has several other books, as well. All very readable.

Different category, but also enjoyable, is Stephen King's The Green Mile. I bought it in serial form ... each paperback contained several chapters ... and that made it easy to carry on the plane. Just take out the one (s) you are currently reading and leave the rest in the luggage. I'm sure it must've been quite a bit more expensive, tho!

-lyn said...

Also, anything by Rudyard Kipling. I recently reread a number of his, and remembered why some books are considered classics.