Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bibliophile - file 2:

Even a year ago, I would have scoffed if someone had told me that I'd enjoy listening to an audio book. As far as I was concerned, audio books were for illiterates!

Of course, I definitely do not feel that way now. I, rather accidentally, discovered how wonderful audiobooks really were. The first one I ever downloaded was an Agatha Christie novel, and I got it on my iPod to fill the time while I was jetlagged in Montreal last year. Since then, I've become an addict, downloading everything from The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, to Super Freakonomics, to Born to Run.

I listen while I run, walk or do housework. I listen in bed before falling asleep, and in the morning on the train ride into town. Audiio books are good.

And of course, one can't love audio books without at least knowing about I've got a gold membership there (one credit per month), and occasionally buy frivolous fiction novels (think Mr. Monk and the Two Assistants) and less frivolous but still fun books like, well, Full-Catastrophe Living.

Audible has an auto-download program that you can install on your computer which makes it very, very easily compatible for the iPod. Books can also be transferred to the Amazon Kindle!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Welcome to the dark side.