Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hiking the Womens' Pilgrimage Path in Koyasan

Koyasan is renowned for its beauty, and for being the center of Shingon Buddhism in Japan. A town eventually formed around the many, many Buddhist temples, and tourists now flock to the famous place for sightseeing and temple visiting.

Koyasan is just about 1.5 hours from here by train (yes, I really do miss my car!) and I decided to spend my Sunday getting to and hiking in Koyasan, and to get a first impression of the town, as I plan to go back with Brian in a few weeks.

Hiking was great! I opted to do the Nyonin (女人) 'Women's Pilgrimage' course, from Nyonin bus stop to Oku-no-In mae. The hike was all off-road, and hilly, and, after the first kilometre, was completely people-free. I was totally alone on the trail, and it was a great opportunity to commune with myself, to ruminate over things past, things future and things now. And, being alone, with nature, a great reminder that the past is the future is now. So ...I remembered to appreciate the moment, to savour the scenery, and just be where I was.

After my hike, when I reached the 'goal' of Oku-no-In, I was delighted to see that it was a fantastic, sprawling cemetary, surrounding a beautiful temple. On this day, I was already tired from hours in the mountains, and had not gone there to adore the temples - that was for a later date. So I enjoyed a quiet walk around Oku-no-In, before catching a bus toward the Visitor's Center.

The Visitor's Center was my second purpose - to get more, clear information on the town and on shukubo - spending the night at one of the temples. I struck gold here - I got the business card of the friendly gentleman working the English help desk, who told me to call him when I wanted to make a reservation at a temple!

His name is Iizuka Shozo, tel 073-478-2724; cell 090-3704-1896

I plan to call him when Brian and I go to Koyasan together -which will be for temple visits and shukubo!

[caption id="attachment_236" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Homes tucked into the mountains"]Koyasan Homes Tucked in the Mountains[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_236" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="View along the Nyonin trail"][/caption]

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