Monday, August 09, 2010

Morton's Neuroma Update

So, as some readers may know, Brian has been having severe foot pain for several to many months, and it's been getting progressively worse, progressively more difficult for him to do any activity and find it pleasurable.

I was more annoyed, I think, by this ruination of joy than he was, but finally,after repeated cortisone treatments, the docs here in Japan agreed that surgery was the best option.

Initially, the plan was to open the foot and snip the 'strap' but not actually remove the nerve. However, once inside the foot, the doctor discovered that there really was a neuroma, and it really was pretty big! So, the entire nerve came out.

Brian is still in the hospital in Gotemba. His surgery occurred on Friday, and he's been alone there in the hospital since Thursday, when he checked in. He finally caved in to my repeated (strong!) hints that I go there to be with him, and I took the overnight bus from Osaka last night, arriving here, in Gotemba, at 6:30 this morning. After a pleasant morning walk, followed by a huge American breakfast, I made my way to Brian's bedside.

Brian was very happy to describe to me the size of the nerve and neuroma that was removed, as he asked to see it upon waking, and the doctor handed him the jar in which the nerve was now housed. Gross. Anyway, he is recovering extremely well and will be released tomorrow. I will take the day off school and stay with him for the day before I have to head back to Osaka.

1 comment:

Karin Sharma said...

Thanks for the updates. We never hear from Brian himself.