Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bibliphile - file 1: Calibre

I've been reading almost constantly recently, and as a result, find that I want to blog about books and things related to books. So - I've started a short series of Bibliophile File posts!

Today I want to mention Calibre - an excellent, powerful, free, open-source* software for organizing ebooks.

Why is this useful? Whether you just read your ebooks on your pc or whether you have an ebook reader (like the Kindle, or even an iPod Touch), Calibre lets you organize your ebooks, putting them in one central place, allowing you to change the meta-data (author's name, book title, description, whether it's part of a series, etc), and Calibre has a handy search function, so you can find anything you want.

If you have an Amazon Kindle and only purchase your books from Amazon, you may not see the value of Calibre. But if you download books from other sources, or if you want to upload PDFs or convert books from one format to another for transfer to the Kindle, Calibre is a superior tool.

[caption id="attachment_1786" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Calibre Screenshot"][/caption]

You can dowload Calibre here Available for Windows, OSX and Linux!

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