Sunday, January 16, 2011


I know I have been lax about blogging at recently, but I have actually visited the blog several times to search for specific information. This is not rare - Brian and I regularly refer to our blog when we want to remember where we spent a specific holiday, what restaurant we might have eaten at, or the name of a cheap minshuku we stayed at during various trips.

Our blog has been very, very useful to us for these reasons, as well as for keeping family and friends up to date with what we've been doing.

However, in order to be useful to us, we do have to title our posts clearly, and remember to list details like mishuku name and phone number, in the posts. For example, take Brian's last post, which includes a scan of the post-card advertisement for the Toyosaki hotel in Matsuzaki. It has the phone number, address and website. Or, take this post which details a good weekend ride we did in October, 2009

This post details exactly what we were doing on that weekend, including photos so we can see what we looked like and how the weather was, and the name of the minshuku we stayed at (although, I did not include the phone number...).

I often visit the blog just to search specifics like this - I simply enter a search term in the search field in the upper right hand corner of the blog, et voila!

On another note - the project that I started last summer - an interactive website that is supposed to have all photos and travelogues etc neatly organized in one place has, unfortunately, made no progress.... oh me, the great procrastinator!

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