Saturday, January 08, 2011

New Year's Card (Nengajou)

The tradition of New Year's Cards continues in Japan despite the temptation to transition to an "e-" replacement (as e-mail has replaced postal mail).

This Oshogatsu (New Year) season, I received one card, specifically an 'otoshidama-tsuki nenga hagaki'. It has the same function (maintaining a good relationship) as a usual 'nengajou', with the added benefit of a code to be used in the national lottery held every January 15th.

It is from my favorite place to overnight when in southern Izu:

Usually such cards feature an animal likeness, reflecting the appropriate spirit from the Chinese Zodiac (2011 is year is the rabbit), but cleverly this card features a delicious fish called 'kasago' in deference to their town's fishing economy!


Tracy said...

I LOVE that place so much - especially the rooftop bathing!!

LYN said...

Let us know how much you win!!!