Friday, January 07, 2011

Cold, flu, gastro, or none of the above?

What I had thought was post-celebratory fatigue was, I think, the onset of the seasonal flu.

Montreal is experiencing two outbreaks at the moment - gastroenteritis, and an earlier-than-usual season flu outbreak. On Monday, after a long day of soicalizing, but realizing I really did not feel like drinking much, I thought I was just tired. That night, I fell into a restless sleep at 9 p.m. or so, and woke up freezing in an icy sweat.

On Tuesday, I was still certain that I was just recovering from the holidays which involved a fair amount of late nights.

Tuesday night was another night of tossing and turning, and by 2 a.m. I had a massive sinus headache.

By Wednesday, I gave in and admitted that maybe I had a virus, and was not just exhausted!

I haven't had the flu, or even a real cold, in a long, long time. But perhaps the dry, cold winter air, and the even drier indoor heat, combined with a holiday-weakened immune system, left me susceptible.

I don't feel too bad at all - just constantly tired, and achy, and fevery. And coughy. Okay, I don't feel great. And I look kinda bad, too!

My New Year's Resolution, which is the same as every other year, to get healthy, will have to wait a few more days!

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